The Balanced Gymnast® Method is the only online program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to plan and implement nutrition for the high level gymnast.
Learn exactly what the gymnast needs to fuel everyday life and health. Without a strong nutrition foundation, nothing else matter.
Developed a Performance Nutrition Strategy that will ensure your gymnast is well-fueled for practice or competition, no matter what!
Optimized post-workout recovery and prevent/manage injuries through nutrition. When life happens and your gymnast gets injured, do you know how to optimize nutrition for faster recovery?
Sorted through the “nutrition noise” regarding supplements, trends, diets, etc. Ensure your gymnast is getting the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants she needs for elite performance, recovery, and longevity in the sport.
Implemented proven strategies that don't require ridiculous amounts of time or energy. Ensure your gymnast is getting the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants she needs for elite performance, recovery, and longevity in the sport.
Helped your gymnast develop a healthy relationship with food and her body. Learn how to enjoy all foods without guilt, shame, or anxiety and support a positive body image during sport.
// Mom, Level 9 Gymnast
"My daughter feels safe and connected, not afraid to speak to Christina about her food and body image struggles as a high level gymnast. We love Christina as her nutrition advice is realistic and backed up by science."
// Mom, Level 5 Gymnast
"I love Christina’s approach to nutrition for the gymnast and not focusing on ‘bad’ foods. To be able to adjust to my own gymnast and understand more about fueling for performance. I am excited to build a healthy relationship with food for her.”
// Mom, Level 10 Gymnast
“Christina does a great job of explaining WHY it’s so important to be properly fueling gymnasts at this level and what that looks like. She helped me see the gaps we needed to fill and I loved the one-on-ones and the push to get blood work done. Highly recommend.”
// Mom, Level 9 Gymnast
“Nutrition is such a game changer. When everyone is doing the same hours and same skills, the adequately fueled athlete is ahead of the rest. Christina is a true expert and she wants to see your athlete succeed."
// Mom, Level 8 Gymnast
“The VIP program has been a game changer for my gymnast! It seems like common sense now, but I had no idea just how much of a role nutrition plays in injuries and her overall health in this sport. We've both learned so much and my gymnast has noticed a big difference in her energy levels and ability to focus both at gym and with school!”
The Balanced Gymnast® Method will give you and your gymnast tools and confidence to make sure her nutrition is helping (and not hurting).